welcome to my carrd!

last updated 3/10/22

• 24 years old (august 31st 1998)
• lesbian demiwoman
• she/her pronouns
• physically disabled + mentally ill
• white and lives in arizona, usa
• virgo ☼ sagittarius ☾ capricorn ↑
i ask that you please tag these triggers
• r slur
• incest / twincest
• ableism (especially aimed towards autistics)
• twin death
• lesbophobia
• mental hospitals (especially abuse in mental hospitals)
• things like straight jackets and padded rooms, y’know.

• PLEASE like my tweets if you see them on your timeline. i don’t ask for much from my mutuals, just this. (if you can’t for whatever reason that’s okay)
• please please don’t mute me. just softblock me.
• if we are mutuals and you want to unfollow just softblock me instead to make things easier for the both of us. i’m sorry if i ever forget you softblocked me and i refollow, i have memory loss.
• if i ever mess up and make a mistake please let me know so we can solve things in a civil matter. i promise i did not mean to do or say anything wrong and i will apologize accordingly!!
• sometimes reclaim the lesbian slur, d*ke. if you don’t want to see it please mute the slur itself!

• you are homophobic, transphobic (including terfs and truscum), racist or otherwise bigoted in any way.
• you ship incest/pedophilia/abusive ships for any reason, for example, like you think fiction does not affect reality.
• you are a non lesbian who uses lesbian terms like femme, butch, d*ke or even the label lesbian itself.
• you are against lesbians who use he/him or they/them pronouns or if you think bi/pan lesbians are a thing.

video games:overwatch, apex legends, tf2, pokemon, animal crossing, legend of zelda, sonic the hedgehog, undertale, portal, OFF
comics:marvel, dc
shows/movies:marvel, star wars, my little pony, invader zim, avatar the last airbender
other:original characters, rocks/crystals, mythology, history, astrology, horror genre, the paranormal, social justice

here's the other social media stuff i use! i mostly use twitter, though. mutuals can send me a request on discord!
twitter: seraphfims
discord: Winnie#7515
curiouscat: angelcakee
instagram: angelcakee_
tumblr: seraphfims
weheartit: seraphfims (inactive) and angelcakee (old), orchidhorror (old)
pinterest: angeicakee (inactive)

Kin (WIP)
what a mess
idk, kinning is fun. i'm fine w/ doubles!! love u
(this list is missing a few btw and also needs some reorganizing)
ac kins
More Kin
pending / questioning
Sypha (Castlevania)
Lux (League of Legends)
Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
Adora (She-ra)
Sonia (Pokémon SwSh)
Trainer Moon (Pokémon SuMo)
Trainer Gloria (Pokémon SwSh)
Ellie (The Last Among Us)
Ciri (The Witcher)
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
uhh so this is my hidden page where i help organize my thoughts
aight so i took these out of my byf/dni page because they need revising
• you don’t think “qu**r” is a slur and use it for people/the community who haven’t given you explicit consent.
• you believe that being aro/ace makes you inherently lgbt+ implying that cishet aros/aces are part of the lgbt+ community.i want to clarify that aces/aros are valid in their identity and they can obviously be lgbt+ on top of being ace/aro, but cisgender heterosexual aces/aros do not belong in the lgbt+ community because it is a safe space created by lgbt people to be away from cishets. cishet aces/aros still have the aro/ace community that they belong to and don’t need to invade the lgbt+ community where they do not belong.